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Webinars AI-Research

New Webinars in September - Inspiration and insights for your research

In our new webinars focused on digital qualitative research, we will show how you can benefit from our integrated AI assistance in your projects.

On September 5, we will showcase the advantages of digital diary studies and how our AI assistant can simplify the process.

On September 19, the focus will be on moderating online studies such as research communities, product tests, diary studies, or tasks. We will explain you how to moderate more efficiently and how our integrated AI assistant can support you.

In further sessions, we will cover tasks that can help you easily prepare and enhance your interviews and focus groups, as well as the benefits of customer communities.

Get inspiration and insights for your research and register now for free.

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Free webinars

Online moderation, digital diaries, focus groups, community planning... In our webinars we introduce new tools and methods, share practical insights and offer suggestions around digital qualitative research and provide inspiration and insights for your research.

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